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My wraps for Blue Star in Petone

There are a few things that are critical to the running of an enterprise and the most important involves “people”. These are the people who work for you – your team. At the place of work, that’s the staff, but it’s also the other people who do things to make it all happen – your service suppliers.

A key supplier for Flightdec is Blue Star, who provide most of the print work we need for ourselves and most of our clients.

I say “key” not so much because of the volume of work going Blue Star’s way, but mostly because of the quality of the relationship, built on two-way trust.

Rob Cranna of Blue Star is integral to a relationship where the quality and reliability of production is a given. The real benefits are in the less obvious areas, such as mutual support around things like referrals and tipoffs for new business. That extends to work on export opportunities, particularly within clusters of businesses exploring trade in the South Pacific.

It has me thinking that businesses and organisations should be more intentional about their networking and relationship building. It can be a lonely experience, running an enterprise, but a little outreach can work wonders.



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